
Follow the instructions to learn ulog as you read.

Have fun!

Open devtools

Open the developer tools (F12)

Check the Network tab

Switch to the Network tab, reload the page and note that `ulog.min.js` has loaded.

Enable logging

ulog.min.js uses lazy loading to only load the bulk of the logging code once logging has been enabled.

To enable logging, add one of these keys to localStorage:

This key sets the selected loggers to debug mode. For example, debug=my-app will set the logger named 'my-app' to debug mode, debug=test:* will set all loggers with names starting with 'test:' to debug and debug=* will set all loggers to debug.
This key is like an advanced version of the debug key, that let's you specify the level to set the loggers to. For example, log=my-app=info will set the level of the logger named 'my-app' to info, log=test:*=debug sets the levels of all loggers with names starting with 'test:' to debug and log=*=info (or log=info for short) will set the levels of all loggers to info.

Try it

Enable logging by setting the log level to warn.

You can set localStorage keys in the developer tools:

Alternatively, you can enter the command localStorage.setItem('log', 'warn') in the console, or simply press this button:

Enable logging now.

Check the network tab again

Notice how ulog.lazy.min.js has been loaded? That's lazy loading in action! This allows ulog to keep a tiny footprint while giving you powerful logging.

Log some messages

Press the button to log some messages

If you followed the steps so far, you should see 4 log messages:

Initially there are 2 loggers defined, test:log1 and test:log2. When you press the button, the test code loops through all loggers and logs a message at all levels with each of them.

Browse the sections below for details and experiment with creating loggers, changing config etc. Every time you want to test the new situation, press the button again.

Named loggers

In ulog all loggers have a name. Currently these loggers are defined:

You can remove them by pressing the 'x' button.

Creating a new logger

You can create a new logger with this code:


You can try this out for yourself in the console, or you can add new loggers with the text field and button below:

Log some more messages to see the new logger in action. If you followed the steps, you should see extra messages from the new logger appear.


In ulog, there are 6 log levels:

Level Value
error 1
warn 2
info 3
log 4
debug 5
trace 6

In addition there are the pseudo-levels none (0) and all (7).

To change the level, you can set the key log to a different value. Let's start by setting the level to all to see all messages. Enter this code in the console: localStorage.setItem('log', 'all'), or press this button:

Then, Log some messages again. You should now see a lot more messages appear.

Native level filters

Possibly, you are not seeing the debug messages; that's because Chromium-based browsers these days have their own built-in level filter and by default, 'Verbose' messages are filtered away.

For clarity, it's probably best if you enable Verbose messages in the browser. ulog gives you much finer control anyway.

Setting levels individually

Until now, we only set the global log level. But ulog gives us fine-grained control over the levels of each individual logger. We do this by specifying patterns and values in the log configuration. For example, to set the global level to info, but the level for all loggers whose name starts with 'test:' to debug, we set log=info;test:*=debug.

You can enter this command in the console:

localStorage.setItem('log', 'info;test:*=debug')

Or press the button below:

Log more messages and check the results.


ulog supports colored logging if the output supports it. By default this setting is enabled and will give us colors in all modern browsers and the terminal in Node JS. The colors are based on the logger name and are consistent across outputs. So if your logger is blue in one browser, it should also be blue in other browsers and the terminal. To disable colors, we can set log_color=off by running this command in the console:

localStorage.setItem('log_color', 'off')

Or by pressing this button:

Log some messages again to see the difference. Personally I think colors make the output easier to read, but ulog leaves the choice to you.

The orange and red colors for the warn and error messages in the screenshot above are a native feature of Chromium-based browsers that are not controlled by ulog.

You can target individual loggers here in the same way as with levels. For example log_color=off;test:*=on would enable colors only for those loggers with names starting with 'test:'.

Set log_color=on or press the button below to enable colors again.


By default, most browsers add some extra information to error, warn and sometimes info messages. While providing useful information, they influence message indentation, making output harder to read.

For those outputs that support it, ulog emits formatting that compensates for the indentation difference, nicely aligning the log messages.

You can disable this feature by setting log_align=off by entering the command

localStorage.setItem('log_align', 'off') in the console, or pressing the button below:

Log more messages and see the difference.

I think alignment makes the output easier to read. Set log_align=on again or press the button below to turn alignment back on:


Let's talk about formatting. It's here where ulog really sets itself apart from the crowd. We can easily change the formatting of the messages emitted by ulog loggers by changing the log_format setting.

For example, let's change the format to include the date and time a message was logged. We do this by setting log_format=date time lvl name.

Now log some messages and check the resuls.

date, time, lvl and name are all names of formats that come with ulog. Check the documentation for a list of included formats.

Click the button below to restore the default format:

Preserves callstack

ulog's formatting system has a unique feature: whenever possible, it preserves the call stack. This may sound like a very technical feature, but it has very practical consequences. To see what this is all about, first let's log some messages that are coming from different files:

Have a close look at the results. On the right of each message, the browser adds the filename and line number of the source file where the message originated from. This is a very useful feature!

ulog uses kurly to handle formatting and as long as your format only contains static tags the callstack will be preserved. For comparison, let's log some messages with a format that includes message, a dynamic tag, to see the difference.

First, set the format to lvl name message:

Then, test the callstack again and compare:

Because message is a dynamic tag, ulog was unable to preserve the callstack and the result is that now, the filename and line numbers all point to ulog.lazy.min.js, which is a lot less useful. But the message is now formatted and the info messages are colored green. Whatever your formatting preferences, ulog will always give you the optimal results.

Further reading

You have now touched upon most of the features that ulog includes out of the box. But ulog was written to be completely modular and extensible. So if you are willing to write some code, there is a whole lot more you can do with it. For example, you can add custom formats, custom outputs, or indeed you can write your own mods that can do... whatever you come up with!

Have a look at these sections of the documentation if you want to learn more about that:

Thanks for trying ulog!